The CAT, Office of Online Education, Digital Initiatives, and Academic Technology are in the process of preparing comprehensive, coordinated plans to support WFU faculty as we prepare for Fall 2020 and another semester of teaching in the midst of a pandemic. Early next week you will learn more details about multiple pathways to receive support, but we are thrilled to be able to share the broad outlines of our signature program today.

We learned late last week that the University has supported our proposal to develop peer-to-peer, disciplinary-based learning communities for the 1,000 instructors who teach courses at Wake Forest each fall. As you can see from the graphic below, this approach is faculty-centered, allowing our teachers to support one another as they prepare solutions for the fall. It honors the amazingly creative work so many of our instructors have been doing already, allows for disciplinary-specific guidance, and–most importantly for the CAT–creates opportunities for departments to have meaningful conversations about teaching that will reach far beyond a single semester.

We know that the information below is something of a teaser. We understand you have questions. We’ll get you the answers as soon as we have them, but we didn’t want to wait to let you know this good news in the midst of so much terrible news around us. I am grateful to have the opportunity to support our faculty as they support one another, and to be at an institution that values teaching enough to make this possible.

More soon …


Graphic of Peer-to-Peer learning community structure. 10 staff from 4 support offices facilitate 5 learning communities for 65 faculty who then facilitate 65 learning communities for over 1,000 instructors.



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