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Focus on Self-Awareness and Empathy for Deep Teaching and Learning

I + E = O When I think about designing courses or curricula, I often start with I + E = O. Seems like a simple equation, right? There are just three variables. “I” are the inputs — the students and the knowledge and experiences […]

Shared Spaces: Whiteboarding In Online Courses

*this post is co-authored with Amy Archambault, Instructional Designer in the Office of Online Education, and Lynne Yengulalp, Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. For many, a challenging element of switching from in-person to online teaching has been the […]

Learning Activities in Blended and Online Courses

In real estate, the mantra is location, location, location. Location is central to property value. At Wake Forest, the mantra for teaching might be connection, connection, connection. Connection between students and their instructor; connection between classmates; and connection to the content of the […]

Online and Blended Assessment Strategies

In the Center for the Advancement of Teaching Fall 2020 surveys, we asked Reynolda Campus faculty about the strategies they adopted to assess student learning and whether they perceived those strategies to be effective. We focused on aspects of course design, exam design, […]

Assessing Student Learning: Alternatives to Closed-Book Exams

What do you want your students to learn? How can you find out if they learned it? What evidence can you collect to document their learning that is authentic, valid, and reliable? These may seem like daunting questions to answer in remote teaching and learning […]

Running the Remote Teaching Race: Don’t Let Exams Slow You Down

With nearly two weeks under your belt, hopefully any initial fears, frustrations, or feelings of futility have been replaced by growing confidence and comfort with remote teaching. It reminds me of how it feels when I go out for a long run. The first mile […]

Adapting Labs and Studios for Remote Learning

Transitioning any course mid-semester to a remote setting is hard (understatement of the year!). It may seem especially daunting if the class you are teaching is hands-on, procedural, or performative in nature or if the learning experiences rely on equipment or technology only available in […]
