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Four partners collaborating

Update: now that the entire campus is moving to remote work, we will also offer our 1:1 consultations remotely. To make that possible, we are cancelling the afternoon open labs on Tuesday-Friday afternoons. You can schedule a consultation via our new team Calendly page here: We are offering limited in-person consultations for emergencies. If you would like that option, please note your preference when you schedule your consultation.

On Wednesday evening, Wake Forest made the decision to suspend all face-to-face classes until further notice. As we anticipated, faculty have been asked to redesign their courses for remote learning.

The good news is that we’ve been given a week without classes to prepare. The CAT will be partnering with Academic Technology, Online Education, ZSR, and academic technologists from across the schools to support our faculty as they prepare. To practice social distancing, there will be two ways to access our support:

If you would like to meet with us in person, we are now asking you to pre-schedule a 1:1 consultation here (click on a “consultation” button in a time slot that works for you and hit “save” to place it on your calendar and ours).

If you would like to meet with a larger group of faculty or prefer to stay home, you can join one of our newly-remote open labs at the links below. At these open labs, we’ll have folks on hand to discuss how to share course materials; facilitate discussion and/or group work; record your lectures; create tests and/or quizzes; and simulate lab/studio art experiences. We also hope that faculty will congregate virtually to brainstorm and share resources with one another.

Monday, March 16th

Tuesday, March 17th

Wednesday, March 18th

Thursday, March 19th

Friday, March 20th



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