Who Owns Course Materials: Courses & Copyright Conundrums

“Do I own my course materials? Does the university? Who owns my course materials?!” I get questions about course materials ownership somewhat often, and more so now that we are preparing to teach in different modalities this fall. There’s part of me that’s always a […]

Sharing Readings & PDFs Online: Courses & Copyright Conundrums

This edition of the Courses & Copyright Conundrums blog series is a collaborative piece from Kyle Denlinger, Digital Pedagogy & Open Education Librarian, and Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication, both at ZSR Library. Posts in this series appear on ZSR and […]

Personal Reflections on Course Modality

At the end of this week, Wake Forest faculty will be making decisions about their preferred course modality for Fall 2020. As we approach the deadline for decisions, I decided to share some reflections in a semi-public social media post. At the request […]

Teaching Films Online: Courses & Copyright Conundrums

This is the first post in a new blog series, Courses & Copyright Conundrums, to address common questions about teaching and copyright. Posts will appear on ZSR and CAT blogs. For additional support, consider attending one of the Faculty Commons pedagogy workshops. Films and […]

OER for Access, Equity, & Agency

Think back for a moment and recall some of the many teaching challenges you faced this semester. Even when it felt like so much control had been taken from us, it was inspiring to see the courage and ingenuity of our faculty in the face […]

Preparing Summer Course Materials

Although agreeing to teach online this summer may feel like yet another emergency response to COVID-19, the additional time to prepare – more than one week! – shifts your summer online course out of emergency status into regular online education. If you read my earlier […]

Assessing Student Learning: Alternatives to Closed-Book Exams

What do you want your students to learn? How can you find out if they learned it? What evidence can you collect to document their learning that is authentic, valid, and reliable? These may seem like daunting questions to answer in remote teaching and learning […]

