Keep It Simple: Universal Design for Remote Learning

After reading about the unique difficulties remote learning can present for students with disabilities, we invited the Learning Assistance Center-Disability Services to share tips for inclusive course design. They answered the call and today’s guest post is by Davita DesRoches, WFU MDiv student and […]

Building the Online Learning Community

When meeting with instructors for the first time to discuss online and blended course design, I almost always begin with some version of the following three questions: What lasting impact are you most interested in this course having on your students? What do you like […]

Engaged Learning, Remote Edition

Wake Forest is known for small class sizes, personal attention, and creative pedagogies that prioritize engaged learning. Now that we’ve got two weeks of emergency remote teaching under our belt, it’s worth thinking about whether our redesigned courses have been able to foster the kinds […]

Encouraging Productive Online Discussions

While setting up an online discussion forum in the LMS (Canvas, Sakai) is relatively simple, getting students to meaningfully engage in that discussion is not as easy. This post offers some tips for making the most of this simple, yet effective, online teaching […]

What Are Accreditors Saying?

As institutions across the United States have transitioned to remote instruction over the last few weeks, a common question has circulated: why not simply cancel classes and give students full credit for their courses this term? There are are a number of reasons to prefer […]

Running the Remote Teaching Race: Don’t Let Exams Slow You Down

With nearly two weeks under your belt, hopefully any initial fears, frustrations, or feelings of futility have been replaced by growing confidence and comfort with remote teaching. It reminds me of how it feels when I go out for a long run. The first mile […]

Can I Give a Time-Limited Exam Online?

Today’s post is the first entry in our new “Ask the CAT” column. Readers can submit questions related to remote teaching and a member of the CAT will answer them publicly. Dear Tabby,  I need to go from in-class, closed-book exams to “at home” […]

Troll-Proofing Your Zoom Sessions

Much like those students who have stumbled into your classroom by mistake, it’s possible to have a person (who may or may not be invited) disrupt a class and make it difficult to continue teaching.  So, how do we ensure our students make it to […]

Remote Podcasting

Getting through this first week has been a technology challenge for us all. Navigating Zoom,Canvas and all sorts of teaching and learning challenges. As we begin moving further into the weeks ahead and you begin to feel comfortable working remotely, you might consider some ways […]

Communicating with Canvas: A Few Simple Tools

This post is the fourth and final post in a series on alternatives to video conferencing platforms like Zoom. We’ve been covering ways to keep teaching outside the comfort of classroom walls and the confines of synchronous online sessions. We’ll be offering some tips […]
