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keyboard, coffee mug, pencils, and "feedback, opinion, survey, comments, ratings, result, advice, idea, response" written on the table.

Each year, many units on campus revisit the systems they use to assess the teaching effectiveness of their faculty. If your team is embarking on this task, or simply considering it, the CAT is eager to support your work. The literature on the evaluation of teaching in higher education is expansive, but we can help you pinpoint the material most relevant to your goals. Whether you want to make small changes to the form you use to collect student feedback, or completely overhaul your criteria and sources of evidence, the CAT can share relevant research and exemplary models from other units and institutions.

We can provide this support in a 1-hour consult, facilitate a series of retreats with your entire team over multiple months, or something in between. However we help, our role will always be advisory. We can share research and facilitate conversations, but the decisions that shape the nature of the process will always remain the responsibility of the academic unit.