Syllabus Language
This page serves as a central repository for recommended syllabus language from various entities across the institution. Should you have questions, please reach out to the author of each passage. If you would like to submit suggested language, please reach out to Megan Hobbs at
This syllabus and the dates herein are subject to change.
Author: Wake Forest General Council
Wake Forest University provides reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. If you are in need of an accommodation, then please contact me privately as early in the term as possible. Retroactive accommodations will not be provided. Students requiring accommodations must also consult the Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success (118 Reynolda Hall, 336-758-5929,
Author: Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success
The University Counseling Center (UCC) is a confidential resource for all Reynolda Campus undergraduate and graduate students experiencing psychological/emotional distress. The UCC offers individual counseling, group counseling, case management/referral support, same-day appointment scheduling, and crisis assistance. The University Counseling Center (UCC) is located at 117 Reynolda Hall and is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. To make an appointment, call 336.758.5273 during office hours. After-hours support is also available after 5:00 PM on weekdays, 24 hours a day on weekends, and during holiday breaks by calling 336.758.5273.
Support outside of the University Counseling Center may also include The Office of the Chaplain (spiritual direction and pastoral conversation) and Deacon Health (behavioral health and psychiatry).
Author: Wake Forest University Counseling Center
The Wake Forest University Safe Office provides confidential support for interpersonal violence (which may include dating/relationship violence, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or stalking). The Safe Office also provides information on reporting options, advocacy, accompaniment, counseling, and assistance with academic accommodation requests. Reach the Safe Office 24/7 by phone at 336.758.5285. For non-urgent concerns, email at Learn more by visiting their website at
Author: Safe Office
If you plan to record your classes for review purposes or for students who are unable to attend, Wake Forest asks that you notify your students by sharing the following notice in your syllabus or within the first week of class:
- Recording of Class Sessions. All or some in-person and synchronous classes may be recorded. Student images and voices may be captured in these recordings. Recordings will be available for viewing only by students enrolled in the class via Canvas or an alternative platform. The recordings are not available for download. No other recording, including by students, is permitted.
- Recording Tails in our Synchronous Classes. Synchronous class recordings may include events that happen before class officially begins or after it officially ends. Students should take care to not discuss any confidential matters during these periods of time.
- Access to Recordings. Students may access the class recordings made available to them solely for the purpose of participating in the course. The recordings may not be used by any person other than a student enrolled in the course or for any purpose other than to participate in the course. Students are prohibited from downloading or distributing any portion of the recordings for any purpose. Students should understand that technical problems or human error may prevent successful recording.
- Copyright Notice. Students are advised that Wake Forest University faculty members hold the copyright in their course materials. The University and the faculty have legal rights in class recordings.
Author: Wake Forest General Council
Wake Forest University is committed to a culture of academic integrity. As a part of this community, you share the responsibility for creating a place of honesty, intellectual curiosity, and individual accountability. As you committed to with your honor pledge signature, you agree “not to deceive any member of the community; not to steal, cheat, or plagiarize on academic work; and not to engage in any other form of academic misconduct.” If you have questions about documenting your work, working with external sources, working with peers on assigned work, etc., consult with me as soon as possible. Instances of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Honor and Ethics Council.
Author: College Honor and Ethics Council
For complaints in the academic (i.e., classroom) setting, the student should talk personally with or send a written complaint explaining the concern directly to the instructor. Should the student and instructor be unable to resolve the conflict, the student may then turn to the chair of the involved department (in the Wake Forest School of Business, this would be the dean) for assistance. The chair (or dean) will communicate with both parties, seek to understand their individual perspectives, and within a reasonable time, reach a conclusion and share it with both parties. If the student’s complaint is not resolved by these procedures, the student should consult with the Office of Academic Advising for assistance. The Associate Dean for Academic Advising will consult with the parties to obtain a resolution. Finally, a student may appeal to the Committee on Academic Affairs which will study the matter, taking input from all parties, and reach a final decision concerning resolution.
Author: Student Government
You deserve a community free of bias and discrimination. A bias incident is an act or behavior consciously or unconsciously motivated by the offender’s bias against facets of another’s identity.
As stated in the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy, these facets include: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, disability and veteran status.
Bias may be directed toward an individual or group and may contribute to creating an unsafe / unwelcoming environment. If you experience or witness an incident of bias or discrimination, please visit
Author: Student Government