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Tired of the slog of grading and the grade-grubbing that comes after it? Mystified by the buzz about “ungrading”? Ready for something better — for your own classes, and for Wake Forest? Put your name in for Rethinking Grading at Wake Forest, a year-long CAT Faculty Learning Community!

About the community

In 11 in-person meetings between now and May, this FLC of 8–12 faculty from across the university will read about numerous alternatives to traditional grading; experiment with and reflect on their own grading practices; develop a website of resources for Wake Forest instructors interested in exploring alternative grading methods; and develop a white paper aiming to shift how Wake Forest as an institution thinks about grades.

Participants will earn a $1,000 stipend, paid half in December and half in May, and will receive a copy of Joshua R. Eyler’s book Failing Our Future How Grades Harm Students, and What We Can Do about It. Meetings will have food provided.

During the course of the year, participants will be expected to:

  • attend and participate in 11 in-person scheduled FLC meetings, approximately 90 minutes each, to be scheduled based on a poll of participant availability; miss no more than two scheduled meetings during the year (this does not include optional, social activities). Please note: the first meeting has been set for Thursday, November 7th from 5–6:30pm, location TBD.
  • read materials distributed ahead of each of the first 7 scheduled FLC meetings
  • complete all reflective activities throughout the program
  • collaborate in drafting the FLC white paper and developing the FLC website

We are hoping to build a community that represents a robust cross-section of faculty stakeholders at Wake Forest, across divisions, schools, and ranks. To apply, fill out the form below no later than October 31st. Please email T.H.M. at with any questions. The application window for this FLC is now closed.