National Public Radio Interview

A few hours before Wake Forest suspended face-to-face classes on Wednesday, I had a brief conversation with Jeremy Hobson of NPR’s Here and Now. In this interview, I offer advice to the many faculty and students transitioning to remote instruction across the country, talk through […]

WFU Keep Teaching Website

Thanks to our friends at Indiana University, and to the indefatigable Allen Brown in Online Education, we’re pleased to be able to share with you a new website with comprehensive resources for this transition. On this page you’ll find tips about getting started, specific […]

Remote Teaching Open Labs

Update: now that the entire campus is moving to remote work, we will also offer our 1:1 consultations remotely. To make that possible, we are cancelling the afternoon open labs on Tuesday-Friday afternoons. You can schedule a consultation via our new team Calendly page here: […]

Preparing for Remote Teaching

As I write this, 43 institutions have decided to suspend face-to-face classes to slow the communal spread of the novel coronavirus [update as of 3/11 @ 1:46PM: the number is 147]. In almost all cases, the plan is not to cancel classes, but […]

