Making Sense of Neutrality

CAT Executive Director Betsy Barre recently appeared on the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast to discuss recent debates about political neutrality in the classroom. You can listen to the episode in the embedded player below or via your favorite podcast player.

Why Don’t Students Read?

CAT Executive Director Betsy Barre recently appeared on the Tea for Teaching podcast to discuss both longstanding and recent concerns about the amount of time college students spend reading outside of class […]

Holding Class While Holding Our Breath

Like many, I have vivid memories of my first presidential election. It was the year 2000, and I was voting in the crucial battleground state of Ohio. I was a conscientious student, but I was so distracted by the race that week, I put off […]

Sharing Teaching Materials from Canvas

If you’re like me, you’ve put a great deal of time and energy into your Canvas course pages. From building the modules and creating assignments to providing feedback, sending announcements, and making updates to the course schedule, a great deal of our teaching is visible […]

Syllabus Week

As our undergraduates begin classes on August 23rd, most Wake Forest faculty are currently in the thick of Syllabus Week. We have run out of cabinets to reorganize and academic TV pilots to watch and are scrambling to draft […]

The Workload Dilemma

This is a somewhat odd sentence to write, but I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about time. When I first transitioned from a traditional faculty position to an administrative position at a teaching center, I had a hard time adjusting to the […]

Fall 2020 Teaching & Learning Surveys: A Series

In mid-December, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching fielded two large surveys of all students and faculty on the Reynolda Campus. Both groups were eager to share their experiences. We received responses from 1,832 students and 473 faculty, constituting response rates of […]

Collecting Feedback from Students

Research suggests that collecting regular feedback from students is one of the most important tools we have in our toolkit to improve student learning in our classrooms [1,2]. This feedback is even more powerful when we are teaching for the first time or implementing new […]
