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The CAT supports academic departments and programs, committees, and administration on issues related to teaching and learning. We partner with academic programs as they assess student learning, redesign curriculum, and seek continual learning improvement. We support programs reviewing and developing new processes to recruit, evaluate, and retain their teachers. We serve on university committees to help center pedagogical considerations and promote evidence-informed decision-making. We collaborate with institutional partners to help design effective and transformative learning spaces. We consult across the institution to share pedagogical best practices with leaders and administrators to advance our teaching and learning mission. To learn more about the structural supports the CAT provides to departments, academic programs, academic leaders, and university committees, explore the links below.

Curriculum & Assessment

Curriculum & Assessment

Teaching Evaluation

Teaching Evaluation

Learning Spaces

Learning Spaces

decorative image: seedlings growing with water dropping from a hand.
Decorative Image: Members of the Department of Spanish meeting together to map their curriculum in the CAT Classroom