Throughout the 2023-2024 academic year, the CAT will be creating, collecting, and curating electronic resources for instructors on a variety of teaching and learning topics. We will expand the index below, organized alphabetically by topic, throughout the year. If you have a suggested topic that you think should be added to the list, please email Kristi Verbeke at
- Academic integrity and plagiarism
- Artificial Intelligence
- Assessment of Teaching
- Curriculum development and learning assessment
- Curriculum mapping
- Free Expression Conversation Guides
- Inclusive teaching
- Learning spaces
- Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)
- Student learning outcomes (SLOs)
- Syllabus tools: date generator
- Syllabus tools: days of observance
- Syllabus tools: suggested language
- Syllabus: WFU template
- Teaching during the 2024 US presidential election
- Teaching during times of tragedy or crisis
- Workload estimator: residential
- Workload estimator: online