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Join Us for Faculty Tea, Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 on 3/23, 4/6, 4/20 & 5/4

The CAT is intentionally limited programming again this semester because we recognize you are all extremely busy. BUT we have also heard some colleagues are missing the community they find by attending CAT events and talking with colleagues across campus. We miss that too. Join […]

Thoughts on Supporting Students During the 2020 Post-Election Moment

Today’s post is a guest post by Michele Gillespie and the Associate Deans of the College It’s been a rough year, to say the least. The upcoming election—just a few days away now—certainly adds to the stress and uncertainty so prevalent across the country. As […]

Strategies for Accommodating Students in Quarantine

We’re getting very close to the Thanksgiving break where you are prepared to teach remotely for the duration of the semester. However, many of you teaching in-person classes may be experiencing the unanticipated challenge of what to do with students who are not able to […]

Join Us for a Midterm Check In & Happy Hour, 10/21, 3:30-4:30

Can you believe it’s mid-October already?? We intentionally limited programming this semester because we recognize you are all extremely busy. BUT we miss you and wanted to create a space for reflecting on how the semester is going and also a little time for community. […]

Teaching in a Physically Distanced Classroom

There’s understandably been a lot of discussion about teaching in an online setting since the pandemic forced us all online in March. But the physical classroom will also be quite different for those of you teaching in-person this fall. During this post, we’re going to […]
